
European project

MiniQ system is a web based clinical decision support system (CDSS) for optimizing drug treatment among elderly people. The miniQ system can be used to aid drug  prescription and drug utilization reviews.

Medicines can be harmful as well as benefits for the elderly and given there’s an increasing proportion of older people with an increasing use of medications can be a serious problem that requires supervision. Many problems can be avoided through the use of a clinical decision support system, such as MiniQ.

Pilot testing/proof-of-concept of miniQ is planned for 2018. In Spain, the piloting activities will be carried out under the coordination of the Innovation Unit of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos (HCSC).

MiniQ is a project funded by the EIT Health community, a consortium made up of more than 130 members, including companies, research centers and universities. EIT Health, whose objective is to promote the improvement of the quality of life of European citizens, is part of the activities of the EIT, an independent body of the European Union.


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