Piloting at the Hospital Clínico San Carlos
The Hospital Clínico San Carlos is one of the pioneer organizations in piloting the More work model (results-oriented Organizational Maturity model), a model for which Deusto Business School is responsible for the University of Deusto and AstraZeneca its sponsor. MORE aims to contribute to the transformation of organizations and the healthcare system towards results-based management in health.
In the Clinical Hospital, the Organization’s Directorate has expressed the will to initiate a process of change in the management orientation and attention to the results, relying on the Innovation Unit and the Quality Unit, coordinated with the Directorate Nursing, where participation in the MORE pilot is framed.
The work process includes four phases:
- Identification of the work group, 12 professionals with management responsibility at different levels were selected.
- Completion of a questionnaire with 57 items that allow an initial vision of the organization
- Evaluation of preliminary results.
- Discussion workshop that becomes a meeting point where the participants of the questionnaire can share their impressions.
The result of the study allows to identify opportunities and favors the change in the management and attention to the patients, in order to move towards a management by results in health.