The Platform for the Dynamization and Innovation of Industrial Capabilities of the National Health System (ITEMAS)

Node PT23/00122 IP María Luaces Méndez We participate as a node with file number PT23/00122 in the Platform for the revitalization and innovation of industrial capacities of the National Health System (ITEMAS), with a duration of three years. The call for this subsidy is part of the Strategic Health Action… Seguir leyendo

Odin: What would you change in the hospital of the future?

On January 20, we organized together with our partners from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) a Workshop entitled: How does change management impact hospitals of the future? within the framework of the European ODIN project, To do this, we invited European researchers to give a series of talks that… Seguir leyendo

#ODINwebinar on the topic “Ubiquitous Hospital”

On the 27Th of May, we organized #ODINwebinar on the topic “ubiquitous hospital” participate: Christian Bengoa (CardioREd1), and Dr. Arancha Álvarez de Arcaya ( Hospitalist Medicine Unit). In this session, two initiatives were introduced, which are operating in the Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Madrid Christian Bengoa introduces the CARDIORED1 project, which hecoordinates and… Seguir leyendo

Ubiquitous Hospital

In our 6th webinar of the ODIN Hospitals of the future 360° webinar series we will tackle the topic of The Ubiquitous Hospital. This new webinar edition is going to be led by the Hospital Clínico San Carlos  (SERMAS) and will be dealing with two examples of how to change the traditional system of a closed Hospital for a Hospital… Seguir leyendo

Dr. Luaces, Co-Director of the UI participates in the Congress of the Signo Foundation

With the motto “People and Technology: engines of change”, the Signo Foundation had celebrates its XVI Conference on Management and Evaluation in Health in Granada. At the meeting, practical experiences of innovation in various fields were presented and the adaptation of management to the changes that the health sector is… Seguir leyendo

In the Innovation Unit, we believe in the creation of Ecosystems to generate value

Hospital Clínico San Carlos together with Telefónica Company and Roche create the startup accelerator Pulsar for the development of ophthalmological therapies In recent years there have been numerous technological advances capable of improving the lives of patients, both in diagnosis and treatment, in this case of ophthalmological diseases; To facilitate… Seguir leyendo

Artificial Intelligence, Big Data…. concepts used in the day-to-day work in health

We finished the last of the workshops of “Immersion in management in leading Hospitals in Innovation”, a tour that has taken us through the Hospitals: Clínico San Carlos, Vall d’Hebron, and Clinic de Valencia sharing experiences and knowledge. During the session, our Data Science Team presented their work together with… Seguir leyendo

Evaluation of healthcare technologies for patients

Germán Seara, Co-Director of the Innovation Unit of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital, participated last Saturday, February 8, in the second training module launched by EUPATI-Spain to train patients and representatives of patient organizations in “Technology Assessment sanitary “. In his paper “The evidence of the patient: Research tools and… Seguir leyendo

We must seek the equality of patients in access to medicines and treatments – Workshop of metastatic lines in the 7th Congress Building bridges

During the meeting, questions were discussed that are crucial for oncology, pharmacy and health management professionals when dealing with patients and their families in a sensitive area such as oncology, what is the role of opinion leaders or The therapeutic positioning reports? Do we have to rely on clinical trials?… Seguir leyendo

Establishing connections

Next Thursday, January 31st, the second scientific meeting called “Incubadora de Ideas” of Madrid Neurocenter will take place in the assembly hall of the CTB, in Montegancedo, from 9 a.m. with the title “Establishing connections” Why this motto? because on this occasion, we want to connect professionals, clinicians, companies, patients… Seguir leyendo