Tenth European Night of Researchers 27-28 Sept. 19

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Visit laboratories and perform small experiments, learn about genetic editing techniques and isolate a DNA sample, participate in workshops, gymkhanas …

They are some of the activities, more than fifty are convened, which aim to bring the world of science closer to the public in a fun and festive way, with special attention to the participation of young people and which can be attended during the 27 and September 28, within the Tenth European Night of Researchers, a project framed in Horizon 2020, the Framework Program for Research and Innovation of the European Union, under the Marie Sklodowska –Curie actions held simultaneously in 371 European cities since 2015.

In the Comunidad Madrid it is promoted by the Consejería de Educación e Investigación and Research and Coordinated by the Fundación para el Conocimiento Madrid+d , which this year also calls the contest “Condensed Science” aimed at Madrid students to share scientific or technological experiences.

All the activities in which you can participate are available on the website of Fundación para el Conocimiento Madrid+d

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At the Hospital Clínico San Carlos, the following activities will be developed:

-Cellular communication: a workshop in which participants can play with different cellular components, through puzzle pieces. It is aimed at ESO and Baccalaureate students.

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-Workshop: workshops that will take place in different Hospital Research Units such as the Biobank and the Clinical Trials Platform, aimed at secondary, pre-university and university students.

-Informative pills: researchers tell in their videos, the European projects in which they work.

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Esta imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es image-2.png
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